Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Live

Hey everyone! They say that life is what happens when you're looking the other way... Well I think this must be true. This was supposed to be my first post, just a way of introducing my new blog but before I realized it, a new year had rolled around all too quickly and it caught me sitting and staring at a blank page wondering what i could possibly write to put everything in perspective. I still don't know exactly what to write, but I know if I don't try to write something, I'll be stuck staring at this same page forever... lol. So, without further ado...

I think everyone has some kind of theme for their life, a word or phrase or thought that describes the way they want their life to be lived or the things they want fulfilled... Well my theme for right now I think is just what my blog suggests, one chance to live. Maybe that theme will change one day to something different, but it sure ain't gonna be right away because, well, let's just say the webpage expired several times with me just tryin' to think of the name for my blog (yes, it's that important, lol). But all kiddin' aside, for now, that is my theme. There are so many ways to say this i suppose, and i'm definitely not the first to try and put the thought into words. In fact one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists tried to capture the idea in a song, and it's not the only song like that. But it's certainly a thought worth mentioning. I know we've all heard this a million times or maybe even more, little sayings like 'stop and smell the roses', 'don't get caught up in the little things', etc. But it's so easy to forget and do just that, isn't it? It's so easy to lose track of the things that really matter and get all wrapped up in things we're not really capable of understanding or the things that are out of our control. It's so easy to feel sorry for ourselves and curl up into our little balls of familiarity and comfort, hide ourselves from the world, and forget that there's so much more to life, to living. If I could have a dime for every time I've spent my time worrying about stupid little things that were so insignificant instead of actually enjoying the ride or the adventure that went along with it, I could probably finish a few projects I'm working on and even start some new ones. I'm doing it even now, trying to make this post sound perfect and worrying so much about all the words being right, that I'm forgetting the whole point behind even writing this. Don't worry, I'll stop. Worrying I mean, not writing. Lol. But when was the last time that you told someone how much you appreciated them or commented on how nice they looked? When was the last you sat down as a family at the dinner table for supper, put aside your pride and told someone you were sorry when you knew you were wrong, thanked someone for something as simple as cleaning the bathroom or doing the dishes? Last time you put aside the pile of work you knew you had to get done eventually and spent the day with your kids or brother or sister or wife? The last time you stopped doing all the talking and just listened to someone? When was the last time you danced to a song that you really liked, even if you knew you couldn't dance, tried to count all the stars in the sky on a clear night, laughed so much at something you could hardly breathe, jumped in your car and hopped on the highway with no place to go and no idea how to get there? ...When is the last time you actually stopped to smell a rose? Now maybe some of those things sound downright silly, and maybe right now you're sayin 'just living' means different things to different people. And I would have to say that in a way, you're right. But my point is that it's the little things in this life that too many times we overlook that really make this life worth living. I know not everyday goes like we want it to, sometimes things just happen, and hey, that's just life, and as long as we're made of fur n' flesh and blood and bone and have breath in our lungs, we're bound to have bad days... But what if we could all just stop for a second, and just... Live. So whether you're staring life right in the face or lookin' the other way when it happens, and next time you're tryin' to balance the checkbook, trying to undo that rusty nut so you can change the oil on your car and saying a few things that you might regret later on that would curl the hairs on a frog, having to deal with that contentious and jealous co-worker who doesn't know how to keep out of other people's business and keeps trying to place all the fault on you, worrying about whether you're gonna make it to church on time so that by the time you get there you're so upset you can't even praise God, trying to change the baby's soiled diaper, clean the house for some visitors, and fix the broken kitchen sink, all while tryin not to burn the dinner you've got on the stove... Why not try just livin'? We've only got 'One Chance To Live' after all. ;)

"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."